
Friday, February 26, 2010

Evaluation 2- IXL Software for Pre-K Skills (counting dots, inside and outside and more)

ixl IXL Pre- K Skills is a Mathematical Problem Solving Software. It allows skill practice and to some extent exploration. The software branches into sections and sub-sections and is easily navigated through the use of hyper links. Navigation in this software comes easy to adults but posses a problem for the Pre-K students as the action buttons are small and would need further development of motor skills for proper usage.Language and construction style adheres to a more knowledgeable audience as pre scholars would be unable to identify wordings used to show grouping and directions. They are unable to link the abstract to the concrete experiences. thumbnail

IXL’s main features include Audio and Visual attractions made active by action buttons, however, pre scholars are unable to use them effectively due to inability to identify the wording that accompanies them. The software contains no reference to other links and lacks motivational tools for reinforcement (no songs, claps, jingles)hence, the feedback from the directed audience lacked interest.

This software did not cater for the multiple intelligences and limitations of Pre-K students.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Evaluation of an Educational Softwear: Wiz Kids Learning System

Wiz Kids Learning System is a V-tec application softwear produced by Wizware. It is specially designed for childhood audiences.

*Colors and Shapes
*Art and Music

Wiz Kids Learning System has an easy to use approach being designed for children between the ages of 3-6. It also caters for multiple intelligences as it's design uses visual and audio styles.

with the use of the Wiz Kids Learning System everyday learning is made fun. The games and follow through exercises encourages the user to develope practical and motor development and educational achievement.

The program is lain out in a town setting-(Wonertown). there are different tents, shops, and destinations to visit and each teaches something different or reinforces the previous stop.

Instillation for the programme was trouble free and there were online options and links to earn additional pages for your Wiz Kid Reader. there were also reliable technical support system and Help aids.